Nodemon not refreshing page automatically

while setting up a MERN app, i was using nodemon to reflect code edits and render the new code in real time. I used npm i -g nodemon which didn’t work.

Categorized as NodeJS

Get last element of Array in Javascript

You can always do it in the fastest way. If performance is a deal breaker for you where you are writing code for million concurrent connections then arr.length -1 is your thing. But if you fancy some ES6 like I do, then read on..

jQuery Performance Optimization for Enhanced User Experience

As the digital world becomes increasingly sophisticated, developers must continuously hone their skills to keep up with these advancements. One area that deserves close attention is jQuery performance optimization. In today’s technologically driven environment, web development is no longer about creating a functional site but crafting a user experience that is fast, interactive and efficient.… Continue reading jQuery Performance Optimization for Enhanced User Experience

Categorized as jQuery

Start a basic server using express

Express is an amazing framework. We can start running a server by writing only 4 lines of code. After that, we can also set routes and assign responses if someone is requesting those routes. For now, let’s spin up our basic server.

Categorized as NodeJS

Pseudo Elements and Pseudo Classes

Understanding pseudo elements and pseudo classes is crucial to fully exploit the versatility and power of CSS. They provide a broad range of functionality that can bring your web designs to life with a level of detail and nuance that would be challenging to achieve otherwise. In this article, we’re going to delve into the… Continue reading Pseudo Elements and Pseudo Classes

Categorized as CSS