Fetch API and store to JSON file in WordPress

Fetch API and store to JSON file in WordPress

At times when we have limited access to an API endpoint where the get calls are restricted to a certain number of times, yet we want to show data from API every time a user hits our page. And when we have to do all this using WordPress as a platform, there is an easy peasy method available that simplifies all this.


  function cacheTheEndpoint(){
    $url = 'https://apiendpoint.com/xxx/xx/';

    $response = wp_remote_get($url);
    $responseData = json_encode($response);

    file_put_contents('dumpedData.json', $responseData);
  add_action('wp_footer', 'cacheTheEndpoint');

You can then access the file in your root directory and parse the data from there instead of the endpoint. But problem is that this will get triggered every time a user loads the website. Which fails the entire purpose of generating a local JSON file. Well, we can solve that as well. Check out my next post.

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