Setup CI-CD Pipeline in AWS

In the world of software development, the ability to quickly and reliably deploy code changes is crucial. This is where Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines come in. A CI/CD pipeline is a set of automated processes that allow developers to quickly build, test, and deploy code changes to production environments. This post explains the steps… Continue reading Setup CI-CD Pipeline in AWS

Create A Serverless Webservice Using DynamoDB and Lambda Function

Serverless architecture is ideal for building simple, scalable, and cost-effective applications, such as a RESTful API for a web or mobile application. This is because you only pay for the compute time consumed by your functions. Additionally, this architecture is great for building microservices, which allow you to break down a monolithic application into smaller,… Continue reading Create A Serverless Webservice Using DynamoDB and Lambda Function

Categorized as How To's

Top five essential figma plugins

Figma is a cloud-based vector graphics editor and prototyping tool that is quickly becoming one of the most popular choices among UI and UX designers. It allows for real-time collaboration and has a range of features that make it easy to use, flexible, and efficient. With the ability to create responsive designs and animations, export… Continue reading Top five essential figma plugins

Disable WordPress Core Sitemaps

WordPress started pushing own sitemaps after their Version 5.5 release. This is a wonderful feature which provides effortless sitemap generation. Works great for sites where all the pages and posts needs indexing. The default sitemap can then be submitted to the search engines and periodically sitemap gets updated as and when there is an update… Continue reading Disable WordPress Core Sitemaps

Categorized as Wordpress

Mastering Asynchronous JavaScript & Event Loop

JavaScript, with its asynchronous operations, breathes life into web applications, making them interactive, responsive and user-friendly. Today, we’re going to delve into the depths of Asynchronous JavaScript and its partner in crime, the Event Loop. Asynchronous JavaScript: Breaking It Down In JavaScript, operations are traditionally synchronous or performed one at a time in the order… Continue reading Mastering Asynchronous JavaScript & Event Loop

Inheritance And Prototype Chain in JavaScript

Introduction JavaScript has positioned itself as an integral part of web development, fueling both client-side and server-side operations. Among JavaScript’s various concepts, inheritance and the prototype chain are two critical yet often misunderstood paradigms. This blog aims to shed light on these two aspects, enabling professionals and enthusiasts alike to leverage them effectively and elevate… Continue reading Inheritance And Prototype Chain in JavaScript

Maximizing Efficiency in React with Memoization

As developers, we’re constantly seeking ways to optimize our applications, ensuring that they run faster, use fewer resources and provide the best user experience possible. One technique gaining increasing attention in the world of React development is memoization. What is Memoization? Memoization is an optimization technique that revolves around caching the results of expensive function… Continue reading Maximizing Efficiency in React with Memoization

Categorized as Reactjs