Last chance to purchase a Xiaomi Mi3 in India

Last chance to purchase a Xiaomi Mi3 in India

Xiaomi MI3 is that awesome smartphone which brought a revolution in India. Though Xiaomi had stopped selling it here any more but this is the last chance to purchase a Xiaomi Mi3 in India. This high spec-ed phone was widely accepted by the tech community due to the superb offering at an amazingly low price. Its is considered that the price is not much high from the cost of manufacturing. The plus point of Xiaomi is that they rely on word of mouth which played well for them. For this reason they save a lot of money on advertisements and thus they are selling it at insanely low price.

The Indian smartphone market has a big share of Chinese rebranded phones. They are very low in quality and thus charge less than what the branded companies are charging having similar configurations. The difference is that the the big brands are providing best hardware while the counterparts are managing with substandard options. Moreover in a poll conducted by a leading tech website it was revealed that the after sales service of rebranded smartphone companies are very bad and customers are very much unhappy with the service.

When Xiaomi MI3 was announced along with its price it shocked us all. A phone having specifications and build of a flagship standard and costing about one fourth of the price which was set by the big brands. But in the Indian market there were two types of potential buyers :

1) Who blindly trusted the smartphone and resolved to buy it when it ‘ll be listed in the online shopping store. That included me. I bought it on 2nd sale. Missed the first sale as i was busy out of station.

2) Hesitating ones. Those who were unable to trust as :-

  • It was a Chinese company.
  • It was a new company without much credibility in India.

But after using it for few days everyone loved it completely. Those who were bitching about it also started admiring but it was not an ordinary phone which everyone can get anytime they want. It was sold out in 1-2 seconds. Flipkart implemented the flash sales method and it was a grand success. Now people are crazy about it and there is no availability in India except for the “dalals” who can provide a new phone for a much high price then the original. The official sale was concluded but recently it was announced that there will be another sale. So those who missed it can have a last chance to purchase a Xiaomi Mi3 in India.

Currently you can get Metallic Grey only

The Registration will be initialized on 26-Jan at 12 noon and will finish at 2 PM. Limited quantity available, first-come-first-serve! Devices will be added to your Flipkart shopping carts by 5pm on 26-Jan

All the best !